Questions We Explore:
1. Does Covid-19 influence the number of death in Ethiopia directly? Is Covid-19 one of the main factors?
Yes, since the tendency looks similar.
2. How does Covid-19 affect the food security?
The decrease in labor force will influence the food industry.
3. How does Covid-19 affect the food security?
The decrease in labor force will influence the food industry.
4. What measures are frequently used by the government? Do these measures involve agricultural land such as farms and pastures?
The government’s top three most used measures are
● Limiting public gathering
● Economic measures
● Isolation and quarantine policies
5. Does the government’s measures involve food security?
No, they do not.
6. Among all factors, which are significant? Which one can represent the level of food insecurity?
The variables as significant predictors:
● Proportion of population under global poverty line
● Volatility of agricultural production
● Protein quality
● Ability to store food safely
● Natural Disaster (or disease) Disbursement
● Agriculture expenditure in GDP
And we set “Prevalence of undernourishment population” as the dependent variable to represent the level of food insecurity.
7. Does COVID-19 and other natural disasters or disease affect the level of food insecurity?
Yes. By observation, the significant variable ‘Natural Disaster (or disease) Disbursement’ has negative correlation with the dependent variable.
8. How does the level of food insecurity change from 2012-2019?
It decreases from 2012(30.10%) to 2019(19.70%)
9. Can we predict the level of food insecurity in 2020?
Since the linear model cover 97.50% of variance of the dependent variable, we can predict Prevalence of undernourishment population in 2020 with the significant predictors above.
10. Are the shocks impacting the poor and more vulnerable differently?
Yes, poor people have higher risk to be infected by COVID-19.
11. What area is much easier to be affected by COVID-19?
People in east area of Ethiopia have higher risk to be affected by COVID-19.